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Non-Destructive Testing
Non-destructive testing (NDT) inspections are the foundation of ZENGARY’ business. ZENGARY has pioneered the development and applications of NDT techniques since the 1970s, and continues to find innovative inspection solutions to maximize the uptime and safety of people, assets, and facilities.
NDT is also referred to as nondestructive examination (NDE), nondestructive evaluation (NDE), or nondestructive inspection (NDI), depending on the industry in question. These names refer to non-invasive inspection techniques used to evaluate the structural and mechanical integrity of equipment and facilities. Whereas destructive testing (DT) inspections materially damage the equipment or component being tested (and thus are often utilized for inexpensive, easily-replicated components), traditional and advanced NDT inspection techniques do not affect the integrity of the equipment, making them the preferred inspection method for larger assets.
ZENGARY commonly uses NDT inspection techniques to inspect for corrosion, fatigue, faults, flaws, and other damages that can cause structural and mechanical integrity issues. A major benefit of NDT inspections is that the techniques can be applied to assets while they remain in operation. In-service inspections maximize asset and facility uptime.
ZENGARY offers these services in the field and at our in-house testing laboratories. As many clients’ inspection needs are in at-height, confined space, and subsea locations, ZENGARY’ NDT inspection services include rope access teams, certified unmanned system pilots, and trained divers to ensure assets in hard-to-reach locations are operating safely and efficiently.
ZENGARY’ NDT inspection services have applications throughout the oil & gas, civil and commercial infrastructure, manufacturing, power generation, and aerospace industries. Some of ZENGARY’ most common NDT applications include:
- Aerospace Engine Component Testing & Inspection
- Bridge Structural Integrity Assessments
- Fabrication Inspection
- Fitness-For-Service Assessments
- Pipeline Weld Inspections and Pipeline Integrity Assessments
- Refinery Piping Inspection
- Storage Tank Inspection and Tank Bottom Assessment
- Nuclear